Tuesday, April 1, 2014

To Share or Not to Share: That We Might Be One, The Story of the Dutch Potato Project

Food storage and being prepared can be a rather emotional topic. Those who work so hard at being prepared, spending their valuable resources and time to be obedient and have a supply set aside for a day of need, understandably feel it is theirs. There are others who knowingly put off preparedness for whatever reason. Perhaps they feel nothing serious will happen, or perhaps they think they will do something "tomorrow". Perhaps they truly are doing the best they can--and putting a can or two away a week is all they are able to do, though it doesn't seem like enough.

This blog, and this post in particular, is not meant to pass judgement on anyone. We are all beggars in one way or another. Particularly when it comes to asking for and receiving mercy from the Savior.  I especially do not feel qualified to tell anyone how they should store, use, protect, or share their supplies. I believe we are each entitled to asking for and receiving inspiration from a Heavenly Father who is concerned with all of us and our well-being (both physical and spiritual). Why else would he have asked us to be prepared? 

However, I do think it is a good idea to ask ourselves the question of whether we would be willing to share with others, or how we would handle things if someone came knocking on your door. Since none of us has a crystal ball to see the future, it is hard to imagine what scenarios we may face. 

One thing I do know is that it is much more difficult to serve, heal, or lift another when we ourselves are destitute. You cannot fill a bucket from an empty well.  Vow today to see your well is filled. Vow today to do something--even if it is a little thing--to put yourself in a position where you can help rather than be a burden. (Remember: that by small and simple things,  are great things come to pass. Alma 37:6)  Go to your Father in Heaven, and ask Him what He would have you do today to be better prepared than you were yesterday. He will answer you. He loves you.

I recently came across this video clip that was so inspiring to me. It tells a beautiful and true story. If anyone had a reason not to share, it was these people. And yet, their love for the Savior and for doing what was right helped them overcome amazing pain and gave them the ability to forgive. It allowed them to assist in saving others which turned to their own temporal salvation in the end. I think its true that what we sow we also reap. 

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